Thursday, October 31, 2019

Foundation of Occupational Therapy practice Essay

Foundation of Occupational Therapy practice - Essay Example There are standards, roles, and meaning that an individual derives from the occupations that they engage in. These activities and processes that an individual performs through his or her life, in some context, can collectively be referred to as occupation. The individuals’ occupation will be defined within the societal culture and norms and thus are geared towards the collective development and wellbeing of the society. An individual’s occupation will determine his or her contribution towards the objectives of the society. In this context, occupation can be put into three categories depending on their purpose namely self-care, productivity, or leisure activities. There is need to ensure a good balance in these activities. Different activities will involve sequential interrelated tasks that collectively constitute an occupation. These tasks will need different skills- an individual’s abilities to carry out the activities that will reflect on his performance of the given occupation. These skills can be enhanced through constant practice by the individual. Other than the mental abilities and skills, an occupation will also involve other physical actions. It is important that an individual engage in activity that is not stressful and that provides little or no threats to his or her life. The occupation should be meaningful and of some value to an individual. However, there are factors that can prevent an individual from engaging in an occupation that is of some value to the individual and the society. Occupational therapy is a practice that involves promoting health and well-being of an individual by engaging the individuals in some occupations. The occupational therapists will identify the social, political, cultural, environmental, mental, and psychological and even the political factors that can impede an individual’s engagement in an occupation. Having identified these factors, an occupational therapist will take the appropriate init iative to enable the individual to participate in an activity. This practice has no boundary limit and borrows from other disciplines like psychology (Creek, 2003, p.7). The therapist may encourage the individual to engage in activities and processes that will eventually provide them with an opportunity to be engaged in some occupation. The therapist may also attempt to alter the environmental condition to promote the individual’s participation in some occupation. As a profession, occupational therapy has a number of core values and beliefs that become the guiding philosophy of the practice and that are behind its principles and procedures. Firstly, the practice of occupational therapy is humanistic and self-centered. The practice shows human concern and respects the human values. Secondly, the practice does not consider the individual aspects of human function but provides a holistic perspective to depict individuals as being unique and independent. The physical, spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of human function are incorporated in occupational therapy practice. It is believed that every individual has his own ability. The difference that exists in the individual human values is also recognized in the practice. Besides, much value is attached to involvement in some occupational activity. Engagement in some occupation is regarded as a basic requirement that is essential for good health of the individual. The OT is supposed to provide the client with information, provide the necessary support, and

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